Saturday, 12 July 2014

A Flirty Boy Loved An Innocent Girl So Much. .......

A flirty boy loved an innocent girl so much. .
One day both were fighting. Suddenly girl dropped a tear becoz she could not bare the pain of being shouted over by the person whom she loved the most. . .
The boyfriend who was shoutingon her , seen her tears, .
 HE COULD NOT SEE HER HURT IN FACT . Still he kept shouting at the girl like this- .
BOY - "hey u ! What do u think of urself ? Defeat me if u think u r better. .
Lets see who is better. Its a race. Now lets see, who kisses more. Me or u . If u won i'll give u 2 kisses more. Otherwise u can carry on. .
And i promise no one will disturbus during the competition. Even time is not allowed to interfere. Its a challenge. Defeat me if u can." . .
 THE GIRL WHO WAS CRYING AND HURT BADLY , SUDDENLY STARTED LAUGHING. . She smiled and kissed her boyfriend's forhead and said i think i defeated u ?? .
Boy-"certainly not sweetheart". (he hold the girl, smiled and kissed her once at wet eyelids andthen at cheeks) , "coz if u won , then i'll also win a chance to kiss u more and more." .
GIRL- (smiled) "i love u so much" (she took boy's face in her hands and kissed his nose while started crying again) . .
BOY- (hugged her) "i love u too. I'm sorry to hurt u. I can't see ur tears. Love u so much." (he also started crying) . .
BOTH HUGGED TIGHT and WERE SILENT AND LOST INTO EACH OTHER WARMTH OF TRUE LOVE. LOVE IS LOVE. How one's love and care differs from others, doesn't matter at all..!!

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